Defined Contribution Plan
Combined Plans & Other Plans
Combined Defined Benefit & Defined Contribution Plans
For employers that want larger benefits and higher tax-deductible contributions, the combination of a defined benefit (traditional or Cash Balance) and a 401(k) / Profit Sharing Plan is an important plan design consideration. These “combination” plans take advantage of the maximum statutory limits of both the defined benefit and defined contribution plans. These combination plans provide additional retirement benefits, more flexibility, and greater tax advantages for the employer. However, these plans are subject to complex nondiscrimination testing.
Other Plans
403 (b) Plans
403(b) is a tax-deferred retirement plan available to employees of educational institutions and certain not-for-profit organizations.
457 (b) Plans
457(b) plan is a non-qualified tax-deferred compensation plan for states, counties, cities, and their political subdivisions or agencies.
Deferred Compensation Plans-Supplemental Employee Retirement Plans [SERPS]
These are non-qualified plans that provide supplemental deferred compensation to key executives to induce them to remain with the company for a specific number of years.